Saturday 19 May 2012

Hoxton and Hasselblad

Bells Hann, Sarah Kathleen Page, Saskia Cole and Lisa Leverseidge all went for an exciting trip to London where they met editor of 125 magazine and attended a Hasselblad workshop at Hasselblad's own studio.

Hoxton book store. A cupboard FULL of photography books.

Bells, Lisa and Sarah. Image taken by Saskia.

Arrived at Hasselblad studio.
Lisa taking an image with Hasselblad!

Saskia Cole having a portfolio review with Hasselblad photographer, Christian Hough

Here are some image taken on the Hasselblad.
Photographer: Bells Hann

After a fun, exciting day, we then headed back to Kings cross on our journey home.

Lisa Leverseidge photography

Sarah and Bells enjoying an evening Costa before catching the train home.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Bells Hann

Taking inspiration fron the famous poem 'The Raven' by Edgar Allan Poe, Bells has been creating imagery that relates to the loneliness and darkness of losing someone close to you.

Image taken by Bells Hann. 

Business cards and website =D

We are proud to say that we now have our business cards and that also, our website is now up and running.

Saturday 12 May 2012

Giorgio Esposito

For our group exhibition, Giorgio is photographing his Grandad in the form of documentary photography. Unfortunately, he has Alzheimer's which affecs both Giorgio and others around him. He will portray his strong relationship with his Grandad and the memories which can be drawn from the photographs. In particular the 'Shed of dreams' image.

Friday 11 May 2012

Emma Swain's concept

Portrait by Emma Swain
"Are Women Really Innocent? Have Fairytales Covered What They Are Really Like? My Work Is Questioning The Preconceived Idea Of Innocence In Women. "

Lisa's idea development.

These are two very different compositions that Lisa Leverseidge created of Emma Swain. These are test shoot images, and she has more to edit of other members of 'threepointfour as well as further shooting.

Friday 4 May 2012

A series by Sarah

“Experience is not what happens to you. It’s what you do with what happens to you.” - Aldous Huxley

Sarah Kathleen Page has been reflecting recent life events after a talk with our tutor behind the doors of 3.4. During class last week we all opened up and told each other one personal story/event/issue they had experienced which was negative, a "sob story", if you will. The point being addressed was that we all go through sh!t and if you want to succeed, these are things you have to overcome. Taking heed from the quote above, you have to take every experience, whether it be positive or negative, and let it strengthen you. You need to look back at where you've come from, and look ahead to where you want to go and how to achieve it.
Our tutor was also explaining that, in documentary photography, the best work comes from the photographer that can relate to what they’re trying to portray. Sarah said "I have already gone though many things in my life, some I got over, some I wont."
Here she has combined self portraits and other photographs she has taken throughout her life whilst experimenting with photography to create these beautiful double exposures. Inspired by the book ‘Perceptions of Pain’ by Deborah Padfield, she wanted the finished product to visually communicate her pain and her feelings.

“Although we all experience pain it remains extremely difficult to define or communicate.” Unknown.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

A shoot with Chris and Nikki

Two members of the group, Chris and Nikki got together to do a paired fashion shoot. Chris was the photographer and Nikki modelled.
The set-up was quite basic, flash head with an umbrella to the left of the camera. and camera on tripod and simple black sheet for back drop.


Tuesday 1 May 2012

Video production

Today ThreePointFour started creating a video for our website. Here are some behind the scenes images.. look out for the video soon! :)